This is a complete list of all payment methods accepted at TFN.
This method minimizes overhead expenses and volunteer effort, so it maximizes the resources that TFN brings to the community.
Monthly payments, that don't change from month to month, are withdrawn automatically from your bank account. Once this is set up, it can also be used for single payments and for refunds. You must sign a form giving us permission to deal with your bank.
You can cancel a pre-authorized debit at any time — it does not lock you in.
If, for a particular month, you know that your bank account won't have enough money to cover the payment, please phone the office, at least 2 days before the transaction is due to go through, and we will prevent that transaction from reaching your bank. You can then make that payment by some other method.
Bring cash to the office.
Send cheques and money orders by postal mail or drop them off at the office.
If you are able to enter the building, you can put your payment in an envelope, and drop it through the office door's mail slot. On the envelope, please write your TFN username, your full name, the dollar amount enclosed in the envelope, and the payment's purpose (such as the desired access level & number of months).
If your contact information (postal address, phone number, preferred email address) has changed since we last updated your record, please include that too.
TFN accepts credit cards for DSL payments, for annual dialup payments, and for large donations.
Phone the office with your credit card information, or fax it, or send it by postal mail, or come in person.